Nathan D. Smith
a Past, Preasent, and Future

Hello, I'm Nathan, Nathan D. Smith. I'm here to tell you about myself from the past, the preasent, and the future, hence the title.

A Past Era

One fateful day in Utah, Dallin and Katie Smith had their first child on May 29, 2008. That child was me, obviously. I remeber absolutly nothing about living in Utah, as we moved to Bakersfeild, California when I was about one years old. Califonia was nice, I mean besides the air quality, my old friends were cool. Wonder what they're doing right now... My old Friends were a kid named Spencer, a pair of twins named Gavin and Kyle and a girl named Lydia. Even then I made better friends with girls. L+ol. Not much interest happened in bakersfeild that i can remeber, other that my brother Jack and sister Lydia (Unrelated to my friend) being born, so I'm gonna skip to moving to Idaho. Idaho, the land of potatos despite producing more onions than potatos. My family moved here as a resault of my cousins moving here, followed by my grandparents, followed by us. now my entire mom's side of the family lives in the general area. My first sunday here was, eventful. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter Day Saints, and every so often we do a thing called a "primary program" were the young children sing songs on the podeum. I moved here the day of the program, so I had no practice. Neither did my current best friend Tyler Sutherland, who had also just moved here. a day or two later we met at the library and became friends.

A Present Era

Somewere along the way I learned to draw, my best skill. There are a lot of artist in my family, my dad, my cousins Kessa and Mary, me, and um, ok maybe that's it.Nowadays, my art skills have leveled up to, like, level 57. I mostly draw on my phone or my little art pad that is actually a index card book on a spiral that I took from my mom. I know I came into this school wanting to make video games, but that has changed. My legacy as "Scarfboy" is honestly one of my greatest achivements, I call it a "Popularity Hack". You see, if you always wear a article of clothing That people don't always wear even when they're in season, like a scarf, people know you as the-guy-who-wears-that-clothing. Eventually it works without the scarf. It starts conversations too, as it did when I when to a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints week-long summer camp. Though I recomend not to wear winter clothes when hiking up a mountain trail. Just don't.

A Future Era

Ok this one is a little harder that the other two, as it hasn't happened yet. On the path I'm currently on, I'm going to continue to develop my characters and finaly start my webcomic. Perhaps even start a youtube channel. if I do start a Youtube Channel, it would be a animation channel similar to JaidenAnimations. if not a gaming channel. Perhaps some hybrid of both? I think it would be also be cool to wright a book, I've already started a fantasy novel. I may even go back to the reason I join this school, and make a game.